Wednesday 14 September 2016


It was on the tenth day of September of the year two thousand and sixteen that we had one of the most remarkable activities ever! The arrangements were spot-on, the organisers (Missionaries and the Ward Mission Leader) were perfect, refreshments were long before in place and like never-before, the turn up was spontaneously uplifting. We were supposed to begin the day's program at exactly 4:00pm but due to a few challenges here and there, we found oursleves having to begin a little later at around 15min. past 4pm. The presentation began with a few readings from the Scriptures as was planned by Elder Malgas. Then Elder Dibatayi (the latter's companion) summed up his comp had prepared for the members that were shy of only two, to make a total of 60 members in attendance! Elder Schweitzer took to the pulpit and he as well presented what he had prepared for the day before we went on to view a song inspired from the "Adele-Hello" song parody which was played by ex-full-time missionaries (Parker Cressman and Conner Hein) though not serving at the time, and this acted as a way to somehow put a smile on the members' faces and it put a little more life into the whole activity. We proceeded with more teaching and training from and by the Full-time Missionaries (Elders Schweitzer, Gwazvo, Malgas, and Dibatayi) and then came a Q&A session about Missionary work. However, like never before happened, we also had a baptism at the close of the end of the activity which helped keep members involved and around to have to end the Fireside in style, with Refreshments like never before served, which saw many quote the scripture; "Eat, Drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die..." and so on and so forth. I was privileged to be the one performing the baptism and it was all a great feeling in a fun-filled atmosphere. It all ended in style and i had never before felt the Spirit more strongly in any activity in the past than what i felt in that Missionary Fireside. 

Patrick Kikulwe

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